How to Create Effective Customer Onboarding Videos with Sharelo

by Era Hufana Caltino
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Maximizing customer satisfaction and retention through engaging onboarding videos created with Sharelo's user-friendly tools.

In building a successful business, customer onboarding is a critical component. Customer onboarding refers to introducing new customers to your product or service and helping them understand how to use it effectively. It is essential because it sets the tone for your customer's overall experience and can impact their long-term satisfaction and loyalty.

One effective way to improve your customer onboarding process is through videos. Videos can simplify complex information, make learning more engaging and interactive, and provide a consistent onboarding experience for all new customers.

Teamwork makes the dream work! Our team meeting is off to a great start as we warmly welcome new members and foster a culture of collaboration. Handshakes and introductions signal the beginning of an exciting journey toward achieving our goals together.

Sharelo is a platform that can help you create compelling customer onboarding videos. It provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to create professional-looking videos without prior experience or technical skills. Additionally, Sharelo offers various features such as captions, analytics, and integrations that make it easier to distribute and measure the effectiveness of your onboarding videos. This blog post will explore how to create compelling customer onboarding videos with Sharelo and how it can help streamline your customer onboarding process.

Creating a Customer Onboarding Video

Video is one of your best investments when setting up a top-notch customer experience. It allows your customers to quickly get to grips with products and services, helping them through onboarding and engaging them with your brand in ways other media can't match. In this blog, we'll show you how to create an onboarding video--from scripting and storyboarding to filming and editing--and explain the importance of having a clear, concise message in your video. Learn how Sharelo's no-code story editor can help you create a professional-looking customer onboarding video.

Here's how you can use video conversations to create an effective onboarding process:

Create video tutorials to help customers understand how to use your product or service.
Introduce new features, updates, and product changes with explainer videos. 
Get customer feedback by providing forms with questions about their experience with your product. 
Qualify leads and prioritize deals using analytics data gathered from your video conversations. 

Creating Customer Onboarding Videos with Sharelo

With Sharelo, you can share your content through various channels and get valuable insights into your content's performance. If you want to improve your customer communication and drive more sales using videos, Sharelo is the perfect tool. But let's talk about how to use Sharelo to create a compelling onboarding video.

A photo of the website of Sharelo.

Planning Your Onboarding Video

Before you start filming or recording, it's essential to plan out the critical components of your video. This includes setting expectations, introducing the product or service, and demonstrating key features. With Sharelo, you can easily create a script and storyboard that will help guide your filming and editing process.

An image of several people sitting around a table engaged in discussion and planning. They appear to collaborate on a project or work towards a common goal.

Creating Your Sharelo Story

Once you have your script and storyboard, it's time to create your Sharelo story. Each page of your account can contain videos, PDFs, or embedded content from your favorite apps like Calendly, Loom, and TypeForm. You can also add questions and choices to each page to create an interactive onboarding experience for your customers.

Sharelo Story website.

Filming and Editing Your Onboarding Video

Now that you have created customer onboarding videos with Sharelo, it's time to film and edit your onboarding video. Sharelo provides various tools and templates to help you create a professional-looking video that matches your brand and engages your customers. You can start checking all integrations of Sharelo on their website.

A photo of a person filming using his camera.

Sharing Your Onboarding Video

Once you have your onboarding video, it's time to share it with your customers. Sharelo makes it easy to share your video through various channels, including email, social media, and your website. You can also track the performance of your video and make updates as needed.

An image of three women gathered together, focused on a device in front of them. They seem to be examining something on the device with great interest and engagement.

Sharelo is a powerful tool for creating engaging and effective onboarding videos. With its user-friendly video creation tools and interactive storytelling features, Sharelo can help you create a personalized and engaging onboarding experience for your customers. Whether a small business or a large enterprise, Sharelo can help you make an onboarding video that meets your customers' needs and sets them up for success.

How Different Departments Can Use Your Sharelo Videos

For Sales

  • ✅ Send video messages with proposal slides,
  • ✅ Share documents with explanation videos and
  • ✅ Qualify leads and prioritize deals with analytics data.

For Marketing:

  • ✅ Share customer stories with docs and videos,
  • ✅ Share product demo videos with the MTG scheduler and
  • ✅ Share event descriptions with registration forms.

For Customer Success:

  • ✅ Onboard customers with video tutorials,
  • ✅ Introduce new features and product updates and
  • ✅ Get customer feedback through forms.

Making a Compelling Customer Onboarding Video

At a first, glance, creating an onboarding video may seem intimidating – but don't worry, we've got you covered! Here are some tips to help make your customer onboarding video more engaging and effective:

Focus on visuals. Use captivating images and videos to bring the message of your video to life.
Add music to your video. Music helps set the tone and creates emotion around the message you’re trying to convey.
Use storytelling to keep the customer's attention. Tell a story about your product or service to encourage the customer to stay engaged with your video.
Personalize the experience by talking directly to the customer and addressing any questions or concerns they might have about your product/service.

Final Thoughts

Onboarding videos are a fantastic way to create a positive first impression with your customers and keep them engaged long-term. Using Sharelo's custom video creation capabilities, you can create unique and engaging onboarding videos to boost customer satisfaction and retention, helping your business stand out from competitors. Sharelo makes it easy to streamline communication processes, ensuring customers have a seamless experience every time. With 7 types of customer onboarding videos to explore in the Sharelo Blog section, you'll have all the tools you need to get started. Login to Sharelo now, create your onboarding video, and take your business to the next level!

Boost your sales with engaging video conversations